Virtual Math Support
Virtual Math Support
Connect your students struggling with math with cleared and trained volunteers.
MyFreeTutor is the perfect solution for providing additional support to students.
Tutors support educators and students, reinforcing what is taught in the classroom
Sessions are periodically monitored for quality assurance
Teachers or parents can schedule sessions
Flexible program meets the needs of students
No personal information is exchanged between tutor and student
Tutors are qualified and undergo criminal, background and FBI clearances
2024 - 2025 Student Registration is Now Open!
For students entering grades 3rd - 12th
Start date: September 23
Sessions available Monday - Thursday between 3:00p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
We are currently at capacity and will reopen the enrollment forms
once we can support more students
IXL Virtual Math Program
Our virtual tutoring sessions are held via Zoom and use resources/tools from the
IXL Math program along with any coursework provided.